HomeBlog10 Quán phở ngon ở quận 7, TP.HCM

10 Quán phở ngon ở quận 7, TP.HCM

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Pho is a typical dish with the beauty of Vietnamese cuisine. Pho has long become a traditional specialty of Vietnam, famous at home and abroad. In each region, pho will bring very specific flavors, spreading the appeal. Saigon is the convergence of many quality and delicious pho brands. In this article, Toplist will take a look at the delicious pho restaurants in District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.

  1. Pho Hotpot
  2. Pho Kim Hung
  3. Pho Hau restaurant
  4. Pho Dinh 3
  5. Pho Ngoc
  6. Special Sour Pho – Le Van Luong
  7. Pho Xich
  8. Pho Sua
  9. Pho Co Chin Gia Lai
  10. Pho 24

Pho Hotpot

Offering a way to enjoy traditional pho in the form of pho hot pot, the Pho Hotpot brand has received enthusiastic support from diners. With the way of eating pho in the style of hot pot, diners can choose from a variety of pho broths. Especially, you can choose 2 types of pho hotpot divided into two compartments to enjoy at the same time.

Beef has many types such as rare, bucket, encrusted, tendon, oxtail, beef calf. Each portion of the pho hot pot is meticulously cared for, and the beef, vegetables, and pho noodles are individually decorated to please the diners’ preferences. In addition to the traditional pho hot pot, satay noodle soup, and lovebird hotpot are also very unique flavors that Pho Hotpot brings.


Address: 4th floor SC Vivo City, 1058 Nguyen Van Linh, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, City. Ho Chi Minh City

Opening time: 10:00 – 22:00

Price: 25,000 VND – 350,000 VND



10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

Especially, you can choose 2 types of noodle soup to be divided into two compartments to enjoy at the same time

10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

American beef noodle soup

Pho Kim Hung

One of the places that sell delicious pho in District 7 that you should not miss is Pho Kim Hung. Pho Kim Hung has many options such as beef noodle soup, chicken noodle soup, beef noodle soup, etc. The pho bowls of Kim Hung restaurant also attract foreign tourists, exuding the essence of Vietnamese cuisine.

Kim Hung’s noodle soup is loved by its softness, chewiness, and the feeling of being soft, not friable. The broth is stewed from the bones and is seasoned very carefully, thoroughly, the water is clear, without the smell of beef, very rich. In particular, the restaurant’s dipping beef balls, beef with soy sauce makes the taste even more delicious, eating forever and not bored.


Address: 70 Ly Long Tuong, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, City. Ho Chi Minh City

Opening time: 06:00 – 22:00

Price: 55,000 VND – 115,000 VND


10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

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10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

Beef Pho

Pho Hau restaurant

Pho Hau restaurant is an address that sells heirlooms for more than 20 years, the taste is very specific, hard to be confused anywhere. Traditional beef noodle soup is not only delicious but also full of nutrition. Enjoying Pho Hau, diners can feel the hot taste of pho until the end of the meal.
The noodle soup is rich in Southern style, the meat is also quite a lot, the full bowl is full of encrusted, rare, and pellets… Thin noodles combined with hot aromatic broth, very satisfying to eat. The staff is too quick and friendly even though the restaurant is quite busy with customers coming in and out.

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Address: 2B Street No. 12, Tan Quy Ward, District 7, City. Ho Chi Minh City

Opening time: 06:00 – 21:30

Price: 30,000 VND – 55,000 VND

10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC


10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

Pho Hau restaurant is a place that sells heirlooms for more than 20 years, the taste is very specific, it is hard to be confused anywhere

Pho Dinh 3

The next address that Toplist wants to suggest to you is Pho Dinh 3 restaurant on Nguyen Cao street. This is a not-so-large-scale pho restaurant but always makes diners satisfied during its operation. The space is not too large, but it is clean and hygienic.

Pho Dinh 3 has many onions in the style of Northern Pho. The bowl of pho is fragrant and quite full, the broth is sweet and plentiful. Beef, beef balls are carefully selected, so they keep the aroma and feel soft when eaten. Pho with meat and vegetables combined in the mouth brings a very pleasant feeling.


Address: 3/1A Nguyen Cao, District 7, City. Ho Chi Minh City

Opening time: 06:30 – 13:30 | 17:00 – 20:30

Price: 30,000 VND – 295,000 VND


10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

Pho Dinh 3 has many onions in the style of Northern Pho

10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

Pho with meat and vegetables combined in the mouth brings a very pleasant feeling

Pho Ngoc

In District 7, you can go to Pho Ngoc restaurant to enjoy quality bowls of pho. Pho Ngoc is located on Le Van Luong street, which is quite easy to find. Friendly staff, food was prepared pretty quickly.

A bowl of pho is quite attractive, the meat is quite abundant, soft, the aroma spreads in the wind. Big, soft noodle soup, clear noodle soup, sweet bone broth. Encrusted and ribbed pho is very popular at Pho Ngoc restaurant, thick monolithic without crumbling. A bowl of pho is served with a little chili sauce, garlic vinegar and served with raw vegetables and sticks that will make you remember forever.


Address: 355 Le Van Luong, Tan Quy Ward, District 7, City. Ho Chi Minh City

Opening time: 15:00 – 22:00

Price: 30,000 VND – 72,000 VND

10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC


10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC


Special Sour Pho – Le Van Luong

For those of you who love food and want to explore a variety of regional dishes, Pho Chua Special – Le Van Luong is a perfect choice. The shop offers a simple, long-standing dish of the people of Lang – sour pho. With the mild sour taste of the sauce, the sweetness of fried sweet potatoes, mixed with the fatty and rich taste of roasted meat or char siu, Lang Son sour pho makes it hard for diners to forget.

Pho is made from many different ingredients. Cold noodle soup with sour sauce are the two main ingredients of this dish. Above is the golden color of each fried sweet potato fiber, the golden brown color of roasted peanuts, the red-orange color of char siu, roasted meat and the cool green color of herbs, pickles, and cucumbers. All mixed with the mild sour taste of the sauce.

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In addition to sour pho, this restaurant also offers many other attractive dishes such as: roasted duck pho, roasted duck with honey, snail vermicelli, vermicelli with shrimp paste, vermicelli with imitation civet, egg rolls…


Address: Apartment A1 – 17, Hoang Anh Gia Lai Apartment 1, 357 Le Van Luong, Tan Quy Ward, District 7, City. HCM Opening time: 09:00 – 21:00 Price: 20,000 VND – 30,000 VND

10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

Special Sour Pho – Le Van Luong

10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

Special Sour Pho – Le Van Luong

Pho Xich

Pho Xich brings the taste of Hanoi Pho in the heart of Saigon. The price of pho is quite expensive, ranging from 75,000 VND to 100,000 VND/bowl. However, in the “expensive” style, the bowl of pho is full, the broth is clear, the pho is soft and not sour. The restaurant’s beef is cut into cubes, but when eaten, it is very soft, sweet, unmistakable. As for chicken, gourmets will immediately recognize that the restaurant uses shredded chicken, tough, firm meat, and golden chicken skin.

In order to match the eating style of modern people, besides the traditional noodle soup, the restaurant also serves stir-fried pho, mixed pho, and dipping pho. Regardless of the type of pho, diners also recognize the thoughtfulness of the owner’s cooking method. Wishing to bring a delicious and healthy bowl of pho to customers, Pho Xich carefully selects ingredients, clean accompanying herbs.

Plus points for Pho Xich, the restaurant has a close, clean space, rich menu. In addition to pho, diners can choose bun thang, fried rice, fried noodles, mixed vermicelli, sticky rice, vermicelli, etc.


Address: 4 -1A Street P, District 7, City. HCM Opening time: 06:00 – 14:00 | 17:00 – 21:00
Price: 75,000 VND – 100,000 VND

10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

For gourmets, the restaurant will immediately recognize that the restaurant uses shredded chicken, tough, firm meat, and golden chicken skin.

10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

In addition to pho, diners can choose bun thang, fried rice, fried noodles, mixed vermicelli, sticky rice, vermicelli, etc.

Pho Sua

The name Pho Sua is inspired by the word “ancient”, meaning that the owner wants to preserve the taste of old Hanoi pho. This is an heirloom pho brand, appearing since the 60s of the last century. Pho Sua with sweet broth, faintly smell of cinnamon, anise is different from the passionate flavor of Southern pho. Saying no to sweeteners, Pho Sua brings a greasy pho taste secreted from the simmering bone, without leaving a feeling of sluggishness in the throat and tongue.

A bowl of hot beef noodle soup with a little lemon, chili and 2-3 crispy crackers will be the perfect choice for you when visiting the restaurant. A bowl of beef pho usually consists of a few thin slices of beef, a few fragrant, soft and fragrant beef balls. Chicken pho is divided into two types: chicken thigh noodle soup and shredded chicken noodle soup. Looking at the big, yellow cut chicken thighs on the white bowl of pho makes anyone swallow. Many diners when ordering pho often tell the restaurant owner to crack an extra bare egg to make the bowl of pho more delicious and nutritious. With the current business hours, the shop deserves to be the top priority breakfast and snack address of the people of District 7.

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Address: 60 Street No. 17, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, City. Ho Chi Minh City

Opening hours: 06:00 – 14:00 | 16:00 – 20:30

Price: 25,000 VND – 80,000 VND

10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

A bowl of hot beef noodle soup with a little lemon, chili and 2-3 crispy crackers will be the perfect choice for you when visiting the restaurant.

10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

Pho Sua – Old Hanoi Pho

Pho Co Chin Gia Lai

Located at 43N Hoang Quoc Viet – Phu My, Pho Co Chin Gia Lai attracts the people of District 7 by its dishes imbued with Vietnamese identity such as: vermicelli, beef noodle soup, chicken noodle soup, dry noodle soup, and banh chung. The most attractive in this restaurant is Gia Lai vermicelli with the cool taste of crab, the nutrition of pork rolls, the mild sour taste of tomatoes, a bit of softness of crab bricks.

“Hot” is only after Gia Lai vermicelli, which is pho. Co Chin restaurant serves both traditional noodle soup and dry noodle soup. Dried Pho includes: a bowl of noodles sprinkled with minced meat, fried onions and a bowl of chicken or beef soup. The difference, attractive in dry noodle soup is the type of sauce mixed with pho. The harmonious combination of noodles, soy sauce and rich broth will make diners “remember to eat”.

In order to retain customers, besides taking care of the food, Co Chin restaurant also pays great attention to space and service. The shop is a bit small but clean, quiet and air-conditioned and the staff is extremely gentle and welcoming.


Address: 43N Hoang Quoc Viet, Phu My Ward, District 7, City. HCM Opening time: 06:30 – 20:30
Price: 40,000 VND – 88,000 VND


10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

Beef dry noodle soup

10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC


Pho 24

Pho 24 is the most famous pho brand in Saigon, opened for sale in 2003. After nearly 2 decades of business, Pho 24 affirmed its position in the food business market, appearing in many prime locations. The reason that this pho chain is as successful as it is today is thanks to the traditional pho recipe, which is the perfect blend of 24 ingredients. Moreover, Pho 24 constantly refines to give diners a comfortable and polite dining space and meticulous and attentive customer service.

Pho 24 offers customers a variety of food menu, including: chicken noodle soup, beef noodle soup, broken rice, vermicelli spring rolls, spring rolls, etc. As the name suggests, pho is the food that confirms the brand of this chain. With beef noodle soup, Pho 24 uses 100% beef shank bones, and is carefully stewed for 8 hours to extract the sweet, fatty, and nutritious taste of the bone marrow. During the cooking process, add spices, herbs, beef bucket, herbs… 24 typical ingredients to create a famous heirloom recipe. In addition, the brand is also active in the production of pho. This ensures that the bowl of pho served to customers is always perfect.


Address: Sd5-1-056 My Khanh 3, 177 Nguyen Duc Canh, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, City. Ho Chi Minh City

Opening time: 06:00 – 22:00



10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

Pho 24 offers customers a variety of food menus, including: chicken noodle soup, beef noodle soup, broken rice, vermicelli spring rolls, spring rolls,…

10 delicious pho restaurants in District 7, HCMC

Pho 24 uses 100% beef bone marrow, and is carefully stewed for 8 hours to extract the sweet, fatty, and nutritious taste of the bone marrow.

Posted by: Truong Cong Hau

Keyword: 10 delicious pho restaurants in district 7, HCMC

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