10 Quán mì ý ngon ở quận 3, TP.HCM

Spaghetti is a unique dish of Italian cuisine. This dish was introduced to Vietnam and became a favorite dish of many people. In Saigon, there are many places selling this dish with different prices. To make it easier for you to choose, Toplist will suggest delicious and quality pasta shops in District 3, Ho Chi Minh City in this article.

  1. Elsol Meat&Wine
  2. Spaghetti Alley
  3. Pasta Paradise
  4. Papas’ Chicken
  5. Jollibee
  6. Pizza 4P’s
  7. Beefsteak 100g
  8. Akoma Cafe & Fusion
  9. Topping Beef
  10. Beef Bar Saigon

Elsol Meat&Wine

Elsol Meat&Wine is loved for its cozy and romantic space, this is an ideal dating place for couples. This restaurant serves a variety of quality European dishes, especially with beefsteak and pasta. For those of you who are looking for a taste of pasta for yourself, Elsol Meat & Wine is a good choice.

From the space, to the food, to the price, and especially the very cute waiters, all help to make your party more complete. Elsol Meat & Wine’s spaghetti has many choices with its own flavor. There is also a wine service for you to enjoy the luxurious atmosphere.


  • Address: 140/2 Vo Thi Sau, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh City
  • Opening time: 11:00 – 22:00
  • Price: 35,000 VND – 350,000 VND
  • Website:
  • Fanpage:
  • Phone number: 028 6657 4462

The food is beautifully presented

There are many types of pasta for diners to choose from

Spaghetti Alley

Referring to quality spaghetti in District 3, Toplist cannot help but mention Spaghetti Alley on Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street. This is a familiar pasta shop for gourmets in Saigon, especially those who like European-style pasta.

Creamy bacon and tomato sauce seafood pasta are two favorites at Spaghetti Alley. The plate of noodles is very large, and the colors are harmonious, the sauce is smooth, not too fatty, the meat is quite rich, fragrant and soft. The sauce is prepared according to its own recipe to help the meat increase its flavor and aroma.


  • Address: 225/9 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 5, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh City
  • Opening time: 10:00 – 22:00
  • Price: 30,000 VND – 200,000 VND
  • Fanpage:
  • Phone number: 028 7300 5665

Various options

This is a familiar place to sell spaghetti for gourmets in Saigon

Pasta Paradise

Pasta Paradise is known as the pasta paradise in District 3, attracting a large number of diners, not only Vietnamese but also foreign tourists. Here, the tip offers many different pasta flavors for diners to choose from, in which the special cream sauce pasta is a favorite.

Spaghetti with cream sauce at Pasta Paradise is scored by the fat, medium consistency, not liquid. The noodles are not too soft, nor are they hard, stopping at a chewy level to prepare the sauce without softening. Pasta Paradise’s creamy pasta is combined with a variety of toppings, all quality and fresh. Some types you should enjoy are spaghetti with tuna cream sauce, spaghetti with black squid with garlic sauce, spaghetti with Japanese curry sauce, etc.


  • Address: 224 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh City
  • Opening time: 10:00 – 22:00
  • Price: 25,000 VND – 165,000 VND
  • Fanpage:
  • Phone number: 0913.306.326 – 0961.087.321

The noodles are soft enough

Spaghetti with Japanese Sauce

Papas’ Chicken

Papas’ Chicken is known as a fried chicken brand from Korea. This place is not only loved by fried chicken but also has delicious pizzas and pastas, causing memories for many people. If you are still confused to find a good pasta place, you can consider Papas’ Chicken.

For Papas’ Chicken spaghetti, you don’t have too many choices, however, every type is very well taken care of. Traditional minced beef sauce pasta is the kind that many diners often support. In general, the pasta portions are quite large, beautifully decorated, and quite rich in taste.


  • Address: 199A Cach Mang Thang 8, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh City
  • Opening time: 09:30 – 22:30
  • Price: 100,000 VND – 250,000 VND
  • Fanpage:
  • Phone number: 028 3818 1616

This place is not only loved for fried chicken, but also delicious pizza and pasta



Jollibee is rated by many diners as a place with delicious food at a reasonable price. The restaurant is quite clean, spacious and airy, the space is quite pleasing to the eye, gently decorated, and is loved by many families with children.

The space is not too large but still brings comfort to customers. Pasta is rated delicious taste, stable maintenance, quality food. In addition to delicious food, friendly enthusiastic staff is also a big plus of Jollibee.


  • Address:
  • 194D Pasteur, Ward 6, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh City
  • 204 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Opening time: 09:00 – 22:00
  • Price: 15,000 VND – 44,000 VND
  • Webiste:
  • Fanpage:
  • Phone number: 19001533

Jollibee is a fast food brand that is no longer a stranger

Delicious minced beef spaghetti

Pizza 4P’s

Pizza 4P’s brand has successfully built a massive menu of famous flavors that make up an illustrious culinary brand. Since then, Pizza 4P’s creates dishes that are both bold and unified while keeping the original flavor of the ingredients. Delicious in taste, beautiful in appearance, and full of nutrition, so that Pizza 4P’s dishes are increasingly favored by customers.

Regarding the types of spaghetti, crab pasta is the type that customers choose often. A luxurious and gentle plate of noodles with very tasty noodles with a very fatty sauce, rich in crab bricks and excellent crab meat. When you enjoy the famous pastas of this restaurant, you will feel the taste of luxury, sophistication and class. The space of Pizza 4P’s is delicately designed, cozy, very suitable for dating.


  • Address: 151 Hai Ba Trung, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh City
  • Opening time: 10:00 – 23:00
  • Price: 250,000 VND – 400,000 VND
  • Fanpage:
  • Phone number: 028 3622 0500

Pizza 4P’s brand has successfully built a massive menu of famous flavors that make up an illustrious culinary brand.

The space of Pizza 4P’s is delicately designed, cozy, very suitable for dating.

Beefsteak 100g

Beefsteak 100g is the address for those who want to eat Vietnamese Western dishes in District 3. The restaurant is not too large but the food is extremely great. The restaurant’s food is rated very delicious even though the price is only very student. The space is not large but it is hygienic and brings comfort to customers. Delicious menu, quick service staff, free iced tea are the plus points that help this address win the hearts of diners.

Cheese ham pasta is the kind you should try when you come to Beefsteak 100g to experience. Cheese sauce thickens the fatty taste very well. There is also a lot of cold meat, soaked with sauce, and delicious chewy noodles. The plate of noodles is hot, not cold, prepared quite quickly even though the restaurant is crowded. In addition, Beefsteak 100g still has many types of spaghetti and steak for you to bombard your stomach with a unique flavor. You should take advantage of coming early because the restaurant usually sells out very quickly.


  • Address: 2/108 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Ward 6, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh City
  • Opening time: 06:00 – 22:00
  • Price: 10,000 VND – 55,000 VND
  • Fanpage:
  • Phone number: 098 419 89 09

Beefsteak 100g is the address for those who want to eat Vietnamese Western dishes in District 3. The restaurant is not too large but the food is extremely great.

You should take advantage of coming early because the restaurant usually sells out very quickly.

Akoma Cafe & Fusion

Akoma Cafe & Fusion is one of the places to enjoy European dishes at affordable prices in the heart of Saigon. The atmosphere here is quiet and gentle, the view is also beautiful. The shop is very suitable for dating, the decor is luxurious and the price is very affordable. The dishes are not only delicious in taste but also beautiful in decoration, making diners look dumbfounded.

You can choose the spicy garlic Arrabiata spaghetti to taste the delicious flavors that Akoma’s chefs painstakingly prepare. Pasta is very delicious, this dish is mainly sauce, so it is very fragrant and tastes good, spicy but not spicy, eating in the aftertaste is very rich. There is also a greasy Carbonara pasta – “honest” for those who like a fatty taste. Spaghetti with herb sauce has a super beautiful green color, it looks amazing. The plate of noodles will have more sauce with more meat and some green vegetables, both delicious and healthy.


  • Address: 38 Truong Quyen, Ward 6, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh City
  • Opening time: 07:00 – 22:00
  • Price: 20,000 VND – 60,000 VND
  • Fanpage:
  • Phone number: 0388391038

Akoma Cafe & Fusion is one of the places to enjoy European dishes at affordable prices in the heart of Saigon

The plate of noodles will have more sauce with more meat and some green vegetables, both delicious and healthy.

Topping Beef

At Topping Beef, by the technique of a team of professional chefs with many years of experience, the restaurant is proud to bring diners the real fresh flavors in each dish. This place will bring a diverse menu both in taste and eye-catching decoration. Spaghetti is not exactly the main dish of the restaurant, but it is highly appreciated. In particular, the sauce is made according to the chef’s own recipe, so it has a very unique taste, blending into the noodles and meat, bringing an irresistible taste experience.
The restaurant attracts gourmets in Saigon, the guests who come here to eat are satisfied with the taste as well as the service attitude. Topping Beef is the ideal destination for you to enjoy luxurious and sophisticated dishes. The combination of ingredients, unique processing, eye-catching presentation Topping Beef is proud to bring dishes that can satisfy everyone’s taste.


  • Address: 16L Le Ngo Cat, Ward 7, District 3, HCMC
  • Opening time: 10:00 – 22:00
  • Price: 40,000 VND – 120,000 VND
  • Fanpage:
  • Phone number: 094 456 55 57

At Topping Beef, by the technique of a team of professional chefs with many years of experience, the restaurant is proud to bring diners the real fresh flavors in each dish.

The restaurant attracts gourmets in Saigon, the guests who come here to eat are satisfied with the taste as well as the service attitude.

Beef Bar Saigon

Another pasta address that you cannot ignore is Beef Bar Saigon. Located on Ly Chinh Thang Street in the heart of Saigon, Beef Bar offers you a place specializing in Italian cuisine such as beef steak, spaghetti, etc. Not only a variety of noodles and steaks but also sauces, there are 5 different sauces here. Each type has its own unique flavor and deliciousness depending on your taste.

In addition, Beef Bar restaurant also has many other variations from beef such as spring rolls, Minced beef spaghetti, Beef lasagna, Beef Bar pasta, spring rolls… The restaurant also has a staff of enthusiastic and even birthday party decoration service when you book a table in advance.

The space is decorated in a European style that combines modernity but does not lack a cozy feeling.


  • Address: 140A Ly Chinh Thang, Ward 7, District 3, TP. Ho Chi Minh City
  • Opening time: 08:00 – 22:00
  • Price: 50,000 VND – 200,000 VND
  • Fanpage:
  • Phone number: 093 620 39 43

The space is decorated in a European style that combines modernity but does not lack a cozy feeling.

In addition, Beef Bar restaurant also varies many other dishes from beef such as spring rolls, minced beef spaghetti, Beef lasagna, Beef Bar pasta, spring rolls…

Posted by: Army Nguyen Pham Minh

Keywords: 10 delicious spaghetti restaurants in District 3, HCMC